“ Education is the key to unlocking the world, passport to freedom” Oprah Winfrey What separates humans from animals is the ability of humans to write, read, learn and teach . This centuries-old accrued knowledge is called “ education ”, which makes humans the smartest creatures on the planet earth. The basic measurement for education is called the rate of ‘literacy’. The global adult literacy rate is 86%. 75%of the world’s illiterate population lives in South Asia,West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women account for two - third so fall the illiterate adults of the world.The literacy rate of India is 77.7%(2017-18). In the modern world, the meaning of ‘education’ is structured knowledge of our society in various disciplines – history, mathematics, polity, economics, various...
31st may 2020 end of the lockdown 4.0 while 1st June 2020 is the beginning of lockdown 5.0 in the containment jones and unlock 1.0 for the non containment jones.
It is a important step by the government as Nation faces a challenge of economy which is going down continuously, by opening those jones which are free from virus, help in economy recovery.
Changes after the unlock 1.0 in non containment jones
1. No need of pass to enter another city.
2. No more red,green, orange jones.
3. Only two jones containment and non containment jones.
4. Interstate or intrastate movement of Vehicles, goods and also services, though it depends on the state government.
5. In marriage only 50 people allow while in case of funeral 20 people allow.
6. Shopping malls, religious place (temples), restaurants can be open since 8th june.
But there is compulsion to wear a mask and use of hand sanitizer.
With unlocking it does not mean that it will halp government a plethora. But yes we can say it'll help a little bit. A large number of workers lost their jobs, livelihoods, so government have to ensure that they work in factories or companies. There must be proper outflow of cash as now cash is needed. Proper distribution of foods to all the parts of the country especially weaker section.
Government as well as all of us should not forget that opening of some activities means virus has gone, as the number of cases increasing day by day. It is just a shot in the arm for economy.
We should follow the norms set up by the government,spitting has become a punishable offence, increased testing rates and public awareness is equally important. Those who are thinking that our area is non containment and we don't need any type of safety, must ensure that now a days your safety must be your first priority.
"Follow the norms, help you to save from Corona "
"Go corona Go"
Nice work