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Education - A Weapon

“ Education is the key to unlocking the world, passport to freedom”                                                     Oprah Winfrey What separates humans from animals is the ability of humans to write, read, learn and teach . This centuries-old accrued knowledge is called “ education ”, which makes humans the smartest creatures on the planet earth.  The basic measurement for education is called the rate of ‘literacy’. The global adult literacy rate is 86%. 75%of the world’s illiterate population lives in South Asia,West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women account for two -  third so fall the illiterate adults of the world.The literacy rate of India is 77.7%(2017-18). In  the modern world, the meaning of ‘education’ is structured knowledge of our society in various disciplines – history, mathematics, polity, economics, various...

Three Messages

Great leaders don't tell you what to do...they show you how it is done. A leader is one who inspire his team and boost their morale.
In a month long stand-off between China and India at the Line of actual control and death of Indian soldiers on 24th June in the Galwan Valley clash, PM Modi's visit to Nimu, near leh is a commendable step. This was a paramount step among all plannings done by the government in this paradicment. "Our country has never bowed down and will never bow down to any world power" Prime minister Narendra Modi said to the soldiers.
With this surprise visit, the PM gave three messages to the China, India and the world community who are viewing this stand off. 
1.PM clearly indicated to the Chinese leadership that the ban of 59 chinese apps is a small signal and pointing out that the age of expansinonism is over. As China follows the expansionist policies and has already occupied Tibet, Hongkong, and some part of India.
2.To Indian community, PM ensured that government is ready to face any challenges at LAC. "We are Indians" and India has always follow the path of talks and development, but it does not mean that we are not brave or we are not ready for war. "Our focus is on development but if forced, we are ready for war too." 
3.last but not the least- He did not forget to mention our brave soldiers who became battle casualties and injured in the Galwan Valley clash. He said  all of you are in hospital and may not know that 130 crore Indians are proud of you. He also add, your strength and courage are inspiring our new generation.
This is a remarkable visit shows a great example of true leader and leadership.


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