“ Education is the key to unlocking the world, passport to freedom” Oprah Winfrey What separates humans from animals is the ability of humans to write, read, learn and teach . This centuries-old accrued knowledge is called “ education ”, which makes humans the smartest creatures on the planet earth. The basic measurement for education is called the rate of ‘literacy’. The global adult literacy rate is 86%. 75%of the world’s illiterate population lives in South Asia,West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women account for two - third so fall the illiterate adults of the world.The literacy rate of India is 77.7%(2017-18). In the modern world, the meaning of ‘education’ is structured knowledge of our society in various disciplines – history, mathematics, polity, economics, various...
I always believed that every testing time comes with a great lesson for all of us. Right now the whole world is suffering from global pandemic. But this global pandemic has a message for all of us. For the first time the whole world has experienced self-isolation and social distancing for the first time, I'll tell you something for a person who is differently abled, there is nothing new in it. Those differently abled people have been living lives in quarantine since forever. But this time the whole world can actually feel what they feel. They self isolate themselves when they experience lack of acceptability. They feel socially distant when there is lack of accessibility in the world. Living in an accessible world is their basic human right that many of them are still deprived of. So I hope and I pray that when the world heels inclusively, let's ensure that in this process they leave no one behind. You must have heard a word or maybe you must have read it somewhere, Disability ...