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Education - A Weapon

“ Education is the key to unlocking the world, passport to freedom”                                                     Oprah Winfrey What separates humans from animals is the ability of humans to write, read, learn and teach . This centuries-old accrued knowledge is called “ education ”, which makes humans the smartest creatures on the planet earth.  The basic measurement for education is called the rate of ‘literacy’. The global adult literacy rate is 86%. 75%of the world’s illiterate population lives in South Asia,West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women account for two -  third so fall the illiterate adults of the world.The literacy rate of India is 77.7%(2017-18). In  the modern world, the meaning of ‘education’ is structured knowledge of our society in various disciplines – history, mathematics, polity, economics, various...

"A stich in time saves nine"

The farmers' associations from the nearby states abutting the border of the capital city,Delhi, have hunkered down near the Delhi border in a hope of getting their fears and uncertainties satiated and alleviated related to the new farm bill passed hastily by the centre. The farm law that existed prior to the centre's amending it had many loopholes that were going against the progress and development of the agriculture sector. The intention of the centre might be healthy but the way it has  dealt with it ,  made it face opposition from the farmers across the country due to the centre's lacking in addressing the misconceptions related to it that had lead to developing a sense of fear and precarity in the minds of the farmers that are undoubtedly the backbone of our Indian economy which at this juncture is battered due to ongoing Covid - 19 pandemic.

To be breathe in new life to the agricultural sector and ultimately making the farmers self supportive who throughout these years have been reeling under heavy debts, impoverishment and unexposed to the latest technology is the key idea of the centre  behind introducing this new farm law. Inspite of  the intention being just and fair , the centre has fallen short of addressing the basic uncertainties related to MSP and the subsidiary given to the farmers all these years. 

Afterall it is rightly said, Words are the clothes that your thoughts wear. The centre ought to address these issues and try to establish a Concord between the centre and farmers, shunning away it's highendedness.

‌Convincing the farmers regarding the MSP uncertainties and building trust is the need of the hour, otherwise it will hardly take any time to shatter the trust and faith of the farmers, because the bread always falls on the buttered side. So instead of regretting on a candid  cause later, it's better to address the issues at earliest. In a nutshell, Better late than never.


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