“ Education is the key to unlocking the world, passport to freedom” Oprah Winfrey What separates humans from animals is the ability of humans to write, read, learn and teach . This centuries-old accrued knowledge is called “ education ”, which makes humans the smartest creatures on the planet earth. The basic measurement for education is called the rate of ‘literacy’. The global adult literacy rate is 86%. 75%of the world’s illiterate population lives in South Asia,West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women account for two - third so fall the illiterate adults of the world.The literacy rate of India is 77.7%(2017-18). In the modern world, the meaning of ‘education’ is structured knowledge of our society in various disciplines – history, mathematics, polity, economics, various...
Without food we all die and to keep us survive with it, our farmers work hard everyday. So it is needed to payback them when they are undergoing huge loss due to this crisis. The Friday's tranche of announcement focused mainly on farm sector reforms which is applauding. Around rs 1 lakh crores Agriculture infrastructure fund was being announced to fund for farm gate infra for farmers.
From gate generally means a farmer can make the direct delivery to the companies or organizations even after a long storage of food. By it a farmer can escape of selling it to customers or markets at lesser rates.
Highlights of the reforms
- Imputes for development of farm gate and aggregation point, affordable and financially visible post harvest Management infrastructure.
- Rs. 10000cr Scheme for MICRO FOOD ENTERPRISES that will promote PM MODI's vision of "vocal for local with global outreach"
- Cluster based approach in different regions on signatures produce.
- Operation green will be extended.
- Amendments of essential commodities Act to enable better price realization for farmers.
These reforms to enhance marketing freedom is a welcome step. Equality in the farmer's investment and return should definitely exists.
It's late but if these changes implemented properly then for sure it will give boost to the livelihoods of the farmers.